
John Oliver is worse than Hitler. Discuss.


If they were on forwards I wouldn't be able to see.

I'm not sure why your mom has any relevance here.

It's friday so I'm drunk

Nobody has actually seen Hamilton. It's an urban legend.

I never actually watched the show.



But on the other hand they have over 90% of the European search market. That's near enough a monopoly. Sure they earned that by being the best in search but then they shouldn't be able to use that position to unfairly dominate another market and put obstacles in the way of anybody trying to compete.

In Europe they have like 90+% of the search market.

I don't understand your issue? Google has decided that price comparisons websites are not what people are looking for when they search so those get downranked to like page 4 or whatever. That's fine. But then they pin their own price comparison website above all the search results. That's anticompetitive.

It's a parents right to abuse their kids, so long as they don't take that abuse beyond a certain point.

Your mom is intelligent and well-read.

Thanks! I'll give GLOW a try. I usually trust LaToya and your judgement but LaToya loves wrestling and you love Alison so your may not be entirely objective 😀

Is this season of Orphan Black good? I have it recorded but I've been a bit distracted lately. I'm guessing it'll have some great clone team ups at least!

Writing episodes using Twitter was a mistake from the start.

That's your reaction to everything.


Remember that time when you were upbeat and filled with the love of your fellow man?