
Next you'll be telling me that my temporary tattoos don't prevent canceraids.

Ever heard of Gawker?

Oh I just replied to Powerthirteen with the same thing. So basically he's not looking out for us any more.

Teti speaks!

I don't like cheese.

omg I just read the article and realised this is about the AV Club TV show and that Teti doesn't work here anymore.

I dunno but it's happening on now for some reason.

I hate when the comments get all messed up so someone is replying to nobody or new comments aren't shown or when everything goes foopy.

I always suspected.

If God is good then why is there evil in the world?

What's a reddit?

Are you licking what has become of the A.V. Club?

Judging from these comments they probably don't want us to find it.

The lack of pop culture?

CaliCheeseSucks hates it because it's not Disqus. Everyone else hates it because all the comments are hidden and greyed out.

Have you stopped kicking puppies yet?

I thought we didn't do that any more?

Hormel® Black Label® Bacon™ does not give anyone heart attacks*. This is a scientifically proven fact**. And when it does give people heart attacks they are the best*** heart attacks.

On dear, maybe not the best timing Teti?

It's so they have more money to spend on reviews and features… hahahahahahahahahahaha 😭