
I honestly thought we'd settled this whole freedom of expression thing in like the really olden days when everyone wore funny hats.

Wait, what happened here?!

I think they felt too safe. Trump's a joke and even one of his scandals would have sunk any other candidate's chances, and he has multiple scandals every day! How could he ever win?

Ted Nugent died a long time ago.

That doesn't really work but I can tell your heart was in it.

Don't mind if I do!

Like the opposite of doing drugs?

That wasn't a quote. I was just saying how quoting The Simpsons isn't as fun as everyone makes it look.

What episode is that from?

This isn't as fun as I thought it would be.

"Thank you for the opportunity…"

"smelly anvils"


But I want to do Simpsons quotes 😢

We could do puns instead?

So are we doing the quotes or what?

It's not "haha" funny but I get what you mean.

Isn't it funny how much the commentariat hates The Simpsons and yet still endlessly repeats lines from the show?

We could just quote The Simpsons. Or Futurama if we're desperate.

Sorry boss. But what is there to talk about?