
For goodness sake you two! Can we have one conversation that doesn't descend into childish bickering?

I'm not an idiot. Idiot.

Oh wow sic burn. FYI that was sarcasm.

You should know because you're the expert on embarrassing yourself.

Stop trying to do accents. It's embarrassing for everyone involved.

I was doing British slang not Canadian!!!


Yeah well your pants are bollocks

No I typed that. I don't verbalize what I write.

Says you.

You two do realise you're talking to yourself, right?

I know but it's Friday and I BLAME KINJA

Wow you're getting really lazy with the commenting. You can't even

I am the first to comment. Something something Kinja.

I will never look at baby corns without hearing Dionne Warwick Maya Rudolph declaring "wet baby corns!"

lol you funny

I'm way ahead of you guys. Some people think the neon signs are a bit much but I think they're classy.

People with schizophrenia are much less likely to stab people than any other random member of the public. They are however much more likely to be the victims of violence.

Do lead balloons struggle to gain votes?
