
I never said the USA was unique. Most European nations are democracies but are you seriously arguing that Italy, Russia and Turkey are good examples? Russia has almost entirely given up the pretence while Italy and Turkey have democratic institutions which are ignored for the most part.

I think what all those countries have in common is a very loose interpretation of "democracy". By contrast America does have a more or less working democracy (even if it's far from perfect) and almost everyone believes in the concepts of democracy and freedom of the press.

I didn't understand that at all. Why were the writers so obsessed with that song? What did it have to do with anything?

But the only reason I'm still here is because of the proletariat scum. If they all leave then we're left with a half assed facebook feed of better pop culture websites and an occasional review.

What's all this about the AV Club switching to kinjun or kinji or something?

I did that yesterday but she still didn't pay attention to me. Oh well at least I still have that time she made snide remarks about my hair. I'll treasure that moment always.

Does anyone know what that show is called?

Thank you!


I can say "duh" too!

I like lego.

Sexist. Women can by guys too.

Who the what?

The AV Club has a TV show???

You're special.

I count six people.


Who is playing Idris Elba in this?

You are correct in so far as the title is made up. I am uncertain who the original inventor was but it appears that in 1980 NBC bought the rights to that arrangement of words from " Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell".

I think you're quite correct in your correction and shall swiftly edit accordingly.