
Relax, it's Saturday.

That was certainly a comment on a GJIwire article.

Disclaimer: I am not an actual rocket scientist. I do not even science.

As an actual rocket scientist I can categorically state that the purpose of clothing is NOT NECESSARILY to cover up your body. This has been scientifically proven. Thank you.

[sarcastic reply]

Jokes on you cuz I've never watched whatever this newswire is about.

I admit that somewhere during this season I lost some of my enthusiasm for this show.

Wait… what?! What did the chimp ever do to you???

I see you've never watched the CW. They've got uniformly sexy down to such an art that everybody looks EXACTLY the same. Men, women & teenagers. All sexy but samey.

It used to be reviewed by the AVclub before the great cull!!!

OMG you have a man's thingy on your face! Do you have tentacles too? Tentacles are fun for everyone.

As do I. Which is why I skip lessons so often.

Don't blame me, blame my upbringing!

Muppets scare and confuse me.

Best Frenimies Forever?


But here's the thing: even racists shouldn't suffer sexual harassment in the workplace. The rules should be there for everyone. Especially cuz she won't have been the only one who suffered and most other people don't have the same platform she has.

Isn't being overwrought like Jughead's whole thing?

That would explain why it always rains over there.

Welcome to the AVClub!