
Wow you've got a good memory! That's one well travelled curse lol.

Yep they showed how Rumple schemed and manipulated everyone so that he could get the ingredients to enact the curse. He couldn't cast it himself because it required a sacrifice that he wasn't capable of making so he manipulated Regina into doing it. But I don't think they ever said where Rumple got the curse

I think someone linked to a pod cast or something in an earlier review? I think they confirmed that test audiences didn't respond well to the Grundy plot.

Thanks! Every time a review is late I worry that it's been another victim of the great purge.


I like baked Alaska so the current government is giving me mixed feelings. On the one hand they're in favor of global warming but on the other hand they're against marijuana.

Now you know how the AVClub feels when SNL mentions them!

The only problem I have with it is that it feels like Kara barely has a life outside of Mon-El's drama.

That so random.

This season has been weird with building up arcs and then like dropping them completely for ages.

and lets Kara focus on herself for a hot second.

Me too!

Me too!

I watched (and loved!) the Flash musical but the Kara/Mon-El relationship still kinda gave me whiplash.

Liberals are so gullible.

He did say he was there to help Wally so I think you're right..

Pro tip: If you find yourself in a similarly awkward situation, saying that line may not make things less awkward. So…

In my head I'm going to put it down to some weird lingering effects of Music Meister. I'm sure next weeks Supergirl will prove me wrong. Sigh.

Flash felt fun again! I'm so happy!!