

You mean what was down?

It just goes to show you never can tell.

I was away last week so I've hade a super fun two hour catch up, smiling from ear to ear with the Supergirl and Superman team up. Love them doing the everyday fire and crime fighting stuff. I could have watched a whole episode of that!

Even though I have soured on this show a bit, I sure will miss these reviews!

So am I the only person over 12 who didn't know that about green rooms?

Yes! Another crime procedural!!! I can't wait! I'm so excited!!! There hasn't been a new crime procedural on TV in… ooh seconds!!!1!11!

Shouldn't this be filed under Bad Job Internet? At best it's a really crappy marketing stunt. Like, if you're going to add captions to animals they should be funny or cute (doing both gets you bonus points).

I legit love this show. Janet Montgomery is a fantastic anti-heroine. And at its best the show is so deliciously over the top it's fabulous. I know it won't win any awards but I don't care.

ungrateful jerks

Lawless also explains how being crucified is hands-down her “least favorite way to die.”

Maybe but doesn't O'Neal hate us?

…is the title of my new album.

You're right, clearly I was over thinking this.

That promo pic for the trailer video seems kinda random.

I think even trained mental health professionals should be very reluctant to give out advice on the internet, especially with the authority their job title gives them. Not that it can't be helpful but distant diagnosis and treatment has all sorts of issues and potential complications. I'm thinking of the lawyer's

I genuinely can't listening to singers pretending they can't sing has me envying their ability to purposely sing off key.

I wish there was more to my life than bitterness and arson.

I've watched Pinocchio. Dark doesn't even begin to describe it. *shudders*

I'm thankful for a quieter episode. I was so emotionally drained from the events in Paris that I put off watching this episode for awhile because I needed a respite from all that. But it turned out this was almost exactly the episode I need.