
I always felt like Boomer was one of the most tragic characters on BSG. I kept waiting for at least one person on Galactica to understand what happened to her but I don't think that ever happened.

Totally. In terms of characters I think Thea was the only person on the Arrow team capable of such a move and she was definitely the only one able to make Darhk believe she might actually go through with her threat.

Haha. That could actually be brilliant. Or brilliantly awful. I'm not sure which.

I see what you're saying but I think after threatening the life of a child she kinda has the right to a little self reflection.

There are some issues people have with Supergirl but I've yet to hear much in the way of criticism of Benoist in the title role and she's often singled out as one of the good parts.

Absolutely! That was such an Arrow move. It was totally morally wrong and yet… maybe a bit justified under the circumstances.

I know this, because once upon a time in the glorious past (and maybe, just maybe, someday again!), I reviewed Farscape

I think they have trouble with all the interruptions to the weekly schedule and cross over stuff. At least I think that's part of it.

Oh yeah, I'm not denying that it was perhaps the right move but that is the sort of thing that separates Arrow from Flash and Supergirl.

With all the inspiring talk of hope I thought Arrow and Flash had swapped writers… then Oliver stabs an arrow in Darhk's chest.

Why does nobody believe that Root loves weddings?!

Jesse to Wells:

That really was an unremittingly dark episode. I found it so hard to get through.

Big Dick Paul. I don't remember when people here started calling Paul that but I suspect Felix had something to do with it.

Have you tried drawing circles on a board? That usually helps explain things somehow.

"Also, did no one question why Cisco has Killer Frost and Reverb costumes and wigs just… Lying Around."

Ethics according to Rumple:

I too felt like I'd missed an episode. Someone else pointed out that Claire is more visibly pregnant than last week so we can assume some time has passed and tempers have cooled. Still it would have been less jarring if they didn't leave it to us to fill in the gaps.

Speaking of new TV shows

It was a really enjoyable episode.