
Mostly ignored and unloved?

We have different definitions of hunky-dory.

Where's the Person of Interest review? I can write it if nobody else will. I have a machine that can churn out review real quick and uses phrases such as "on the nose" and "well it just goes to show you never can tell".

Or he's hiding it to protect the ones he loves.

Maybe I just miss season one Emma? She had depth and grounded the more fantastical stories. She's too immersed in fantasy land to do that now but I do feel the character can still work if they find out how to use her. Maybe not solo but if they mix up the groups more they might find people the character works better

Maybe. I have such a love/hate relationship with this show I don't even know how to properly articulate my feelings. The good parts make me want to keep watching but the bad parts unreasonably frustrate me. I've given up a few times but keep coming back.

I think that both Emma and Hook need more story lines without each other. Emma's adventure last week and Hook's this week were more fun and interesting than yet another round of "I love you soo much."

Luna really does not know Octavia. Fighting isn't all she's ever known but becoming a warrior is what finally gave her agency over her own story.

"Hey look Superman is coming to save us… oh wait nope there he goes."

For your consideration: Maybe.

Counterpoint: Yes.

I'd just like to point out that CBS' Supergirl is basically a modern Superman show.

Please don't let that be the next instagram meme.

My optimistic outlook has tilted on its axis this day.

So celebs are advertising products for money but are pretending that they're just giving us a taste of their daily routine?

I just said the same above. I should finish reading the comments before I say something, lol. I do want to know what happened to Farm Station. Pike and Monty's parents especially.

What does annoy me is that this isn't the flashback I've been wanting. It told us little about Pike that we hadn't already seen. What would have been much more interesting is what the hell happened at Farm Station

I got through so many tissues watching Quentin Lance tonight.

This is the episode that gave me major Crazy Ex-Molewoman vibes. I stand by that.