
I don't mind breather episodes but this felt like the wrong time for it. Also I felt like if this were a season one episode they'd maybe have taken the time to have some fun character moments to make up for the lack of Flash.

Well if it means anything I do feel better about him after having seen later episodes. He seems to have grown as a person. I really want to say he's grown as a friend too but what with everything else going on they've only had a little time to grow the relationship.

I did wonder if the comparison to Outlander you made last episode was a stretch given how so very explicit that show was about the abuse of both mind and body. But this episode really makes your point.

I think your criticism is way harsh because it sounds exactly like the same unthinking criticism that's leveled at genre shows all the time.

I can understand being mad about what happened to Archie Panjabi. I am too. All things considered it might have been better for her if she could have left earlier and found another show.

That's a good point that I hadn't considered. It'll be interesting to see if there are any unexpected effects or if ALIE manages to learn something from the Commander's modified DNA.

I'm wondering if Kimmy's well intentioned help being bad is a deliberate decision by the writers? I think Xan said something like "you think you're helping?" which could be a nod to the audience.

Superhero morality is super complicated.

And that was kinda my problem I think.

Yeah I guess this is more about how I felt about the scene at the time. Logically I can see how it makes sense but I simply didn't feel it. Maybe that's my fault but I personally would have liked some more time on with Ontari to show a bit more of her perspective.

That's a fair point but she at least needs to trust that the offered solution isn't actually some kind of poison. But I guess I can logically work out why she'd go along with it, I just felt that the scene rushed through her reasoning.

What about all the times he lied to the people closest to him?

This may be a controversial opinion but I actually think Sara-Mick could work, at least for awhile. Mick has grown as a person and is now much more self-aware and although they're two very different people they do share a lot in common. Obviously the writers would need to put in some work to build up a relationship…

I'm not a fan of slasher flicks so this episode wasn't my favorite. I did like that they found a way to have tension again but the Arcadia stuff did feel very much like a one off.

Lexa's death felt super random. Like it wasn't battle, political rivals or self-sacrifice that killed her it was just a random shot when she just happened to show up for some reason. The fact that it happens right after she's intimate with Clarke bothers some people because this happens all the time to LGBT characters…

Has anyone else seen the B—— in Apartment 23? It's so very close to being Kimmy meets JJ but with more down to earth super powers.

You need to read more archaia young man.

As someone who watched every episode I'm doubly annoyed. Especially when Toronto is such a big part of the show.

Don't worry, with the help of your vivid description we can use our imagination like our grandparents did in the time before gifs.

I'd forgotten all the amazing times they had together.