
I'm not sure about the reviewer but personally I found the Lexa death to be kinda random but they did make the repercussions meaningful, as this episode continues to show.

I'm so used to bad wigs in genre TV shows. From Arrow to Once Upon a Time they're everywhere!

I can't up vote you enough. That was a brilliant little scene.

That makes sense then. In a way it is so very much a showcase for both Bloom's sense of humor and the things that interest her (e.g. what body parts are made of).

Poor Rebecca. She has a major revelation, does everything right to fix things and yet ends up home alone. So she practically pounces on Greg… that's not going to end well.

I feel like they've struggled to remember she exists this season, Killer Frost aside.

Yes I think there are things to criticise about Supergirl. Like it doesn't do subtlety. The James stuff and the way people suddenly loved Supergirl again was very "on the nose" (as I think professional critics like to say).

The usual answer is "speed force". Saying those words explains everything that doesn't make sense. Or so I'm told.

That still weirds me out a bit.

Hey, Livewire doesn't want to be out done by the newbie.

After everything I'm almost certain Cat knows, even with the J'onn J'onzz fake out.


I love how Tatiana was all like "I couldn't steal a penny, oh the Catholic guilt!" And then Tom was all like "yeah so I totally enjoyed stealing cars, that was fun!"

I really liked them actually addressing the co-parenting again. It has felt like they've often been glossing over that after season 1. It's an interesting dynamic and Regina and Emma play off each other well.

I actually like him when he was a baddy or when he was ambiguously good. I only started getting annoyed when he spent a season following Emma round like a puppy dog while she basically ignored him most of the time.

In protest I'm planning to only comment on TV Club articles infrequently and at irregular intervals. That'll show 'em.

I kinda miss the random miscellanea they used to have in the good old days. Now I'll only learn about shows I already know about. :'(

Was Emma’s distrust of him a shoutout to the olden days when she could always tell if someone was telling the truth?

Younger is leaning more towards soap opera territory isn't it? The sudden out of nowhere death of a character only for his previously never mentioned identical twin brother to show up sounds like something from Revenge. I guess they thought they'd run out of Thad stories but wanted to keep the actor? And it also gives

Wait being gay is a "lifestyle"? When did this happen? It used to be like a sexual orientation kind of thing.