
I came here to say the exact same thing! I loled out loud.

I'd hate to see Kara stuck being The Hero's Girlfriend, which is so often a crappy role but I do like your Legends of Tomorrow idea!

And there so many things great things I didn't mention so I'm definitely not mentioning whatever that was at the beginning.

Wow, that was a devistating episode!

And he'd better be related to Henry somehow,

Yeah it's not his feelings that look creepy to me (everyone gets crushes), it's the way he turns it around and seems to make Kara out as guilty for not reciprocating those feelings.

Well it was his idea and he completely forgot about it. At the very very least he could have texted her before flying off to the fortress. Failing that he could have gone to her to apologise instead of only remembering when Lucy confronts him.

I'll admit there was something slightly off about the Les Mis parody. Like it wasn't quite right? I think the songs that work best are slightly less direct and can be seen as there own thing even if you don't recognise what's being parodied.

Also anyone notice how the witness' evidence was essentially dismissed out of hand because of his schizophrenia? This is sadly true to life even though it really shouldn't be.

It really was a return to form song wise. I felt that the last few episodes ramped up the drama but had dropped the ball with the songs.

"the show’s near non-existent ratings"

I have a confession to make. I really do love this show. I tried to be all coldly critical but I do just need to say this.

I thought they were trying to suggest that she desperately wanted to
talk to someone about her problems and Winn was the first person to be nice to her so…

[Indigo's] tête-à-tête with Uncle Non-Descript just makes her motives more confusing

I'm conflicted. On the one hand Sarah Shahi has been great on Person of Interest and I'd love to see her get a staring role. But on the other hand I'd hate to see her stuck in an identikit CBS procedural.

I think it's the scale of the blackmail? Like if Sheryl blackmails her with an individual client then Liza only has the option to ruin Sheryl's entire career and if she does that then Sheryl will respond in kind.

My feelings of euphoria might just be because of how excited I was to see everything coming together once more. Now that I think about it I can see some flaws. But it really is great to see its return to form!

I think Liza was just blind sided by how quickly the news came out and she simply hadn't thought of a lie yet and just froze in the moment. I can understand that even if it seemed a bit contrived. Maybe she'll try to explain later?

Very true. And Kelsey has always had a blindspot for Thad's flaws. Well she kinda recognises them but always manages to like excuse or overlook them in the end.

This was a really fantastic episode! I had started to feel a bit lukewarm about the show but this episode reminded my why I watch!