
I maintain that Dexter's lumberjack ending was brilliant. It's almost everything that lead up to it that was awful.

It ended years ago!

Hey, I used to watch that show! God I feel old now.

Is Lady Dynamite any relation to Ms. Dynamite?

You mention SNL but not UnREAL? Huh.

Henry Winkler scares me.

I'm constantly worrying about what would happen if a petition to change got more than 25,000 votes.

The A story was OK for me. Not good or bad just OK.

Exactly! It's great when the writers remember she exists!

But this is yet another week where you haven't mentioned Fargo.

I stopped watching this show early this season but as this really is the final season I'm wondering if it's worth trying to catch up? A lot of the episodes have been graded as B+ and higher but many of the actual reviews have seemed more lukewarm or flat out nostalgic for better days (I've not read them all).

Wait, this is about a father having a hand in raising children? That's most ridiculous concept I've ever heard! Imagine a father with kids! Hilarious!

To be honest this season of Flash has been very "meh" to me. I think if I hadn't seen the first season I might not still be watching. On the up side it looks like the next episode could be fun and Caitlin might be given something to do for once.

I too felt like it was a waste of the dream world. What I'd have liked to have seen is her idealized view of her Earth life. I think it could be a great way to highlight her hopes, dreams and the frustrations she currently has with her life. And it could make for a more interesting pre-credits fake-out (if the promos

I don't know anything about fixing futuristic timeships or even modern cars but I think that you don't have to know like all the physics of a car
engine to be able to repair one. Like auto mechanics aren't physicists but can still fix cars.

Yeah. The way I understand it now is that Sara doesn't *need* to kill to live but she often *wants* to. That wasn't obvious to me at first.

Definitely. I really felt the energy in their scenes in a way I've not felt for awhile. I know it can't be like this all the time but when they do get the action side of things right they really get it right.

On Person of Interest the baddies have magic kneecaps that, when shot, temporarily immobilize them. Maybe the Arrow-verse has a similar thing?

I was hoping they'd do a training montage where Roy would bestow his magic parkour skills on to Thea.

I didn't realize how much I missed his parkour. And the way he stood around looking all hot. And puzzled. But mostly hot.