
OMG that was a brilliant episode! I'm not even going to be a little bit critical right now.

Actually I thought the ending worked well. It's everything that lead up to it that made it a WTF moment.

What I loved about this episode: Dark Hook. Oh yes. Hook is a much better character when his goal in life is more than to stand somewhere near Emma as much as he's allowed to. The sword duel made no sense on so many different levels but I'm willing to give it a pass just because of Hook.

Remember when the Doctor could walk through solid objects? ;)

But psychic quantum wizard magic.

Ah that must be why I worked it out not long after the drone showed up! I'd forgotten about the Lois and Clark episode until you mentioned it.

Ha, I'll go with that.

I think I appreciate Supergirl more after watching Jessica Jones. Yes there are still problems with characters over explaining things that it'd be better to just show. However, when it does tell its story through both the character interactions and the action, I think it does so very well. Also I really needed a

Mad props to Caroline. Binge watching and speed reviewing must be exhausting. Great show to be doing for though.

That was brutal. I honestly wasn't sure if Trish would survive.

Yeah that's true. They have at times questioned vigilante justice (especially in the first season) but I don't think they've ever gone full deconstruction on it.

It sounded like the cops had the information but were unable to get a conviction.

It was oddly charming in a way and very very funny but it also seemed like a very jarring lurch in intensity.

I'll take currently for 500 beema.

What are the greatest shows they don't cover?

Dear Oliver,

Did anyone count how many British stereotypes Stephanie came out with? Had she been like meticulously saving them all up for Brit day?

I'm still trying to work out what the title MEANS. I think it's one of them Zen meditations.

Or it could be just habit? Like her foster parents encouraged her to dress unassuming and Kara like all the time so she wouldn't slip up when she was with other people?