
I enjoyed this episode but what's with everyone getting phone calls at crucial moments? I can't complain too much because I think everything came out in the end but it was a bit weird.

Maybe it's just me but I actually like the Cat is in the dark. She has a legitimate connection to Kara and Supergirl (and thus a reason to be on the show). Not knowing Kara's secret also means that Cat can relate to Kara as Kara, if you see what I mean.

There is a lot of potential with this plot twist. Maybe I'll feel more enthusiastic about it once it gets going. I'm not as optimistic as a lot of people are but I do hope they can rekindle the love I once had for Hook.

Yeah, I think that's what it is. There's meant to be this big emotional pay off but I'm just not feeling it.

Dr Whale is totally Blaine right? I mean like his hair and attitude and everything! :D

Am I the only one who is really not on board the Captain Swan? Like I want to run a mile from it. I like Hook. I love Emma. I so dislike them together.

I think I had one of them once.

What's a "Fargo"?

Why is the Doctor always going on about how uniquely bad humans are and how they always rush to mess with stuff they shouldn't? The Time Lords were the same, if not worse! They messed with anything and everything! From what we know they weren't exactly cautious about it either.

While I agree with you in general I wouldn't say it's "no big deal" exactly when it comes to characters. Jane's current show, "Once Upon a Time", has come in for criticism for its handling of a gay character in a previous season and people are nervous about how they are going to handle an upcoming storyline they've

That's how I saw it. I think she was purposely trying to provoke Supergirl into letting her mask slip (metaphorically speaking).

What. About. Clark?

I very much agree with you on the Superman thing but I guess my ultimate opinion on this will be informed by how they move on from this in future episodes. In case it's worth anything this is what I wrote while watching the show and before this review:

I came here to demand exactly this.

I did enjoy this episode but I am starting to really worry about all the crossovers and spin-off launching. Four in one episode?

"He, he, he. Him him him. I am so sick of hearing about the man of steel."

I tried suggesting this to my mum but she still wasn't keen.

The Good Wife seems to be getting good grades here so I might catch up soon if that continues.

Have you tried going after other letters? Or did you start off going through the alphabet only to get stuck in a rut with the Els?