Reverend Professor Dyson (and Reverend Traci Blackmon, who kept her flock safe in the storm eye of those Nazi monsters in Charlottesville) are gonna need to pray over that ceremony.
Reverend Professor Dyson (and Reverend Traci Blackmon, who kept her flock safe in the storm eye of those Nazi monsters in Charlottesville) are gonna need to pray over that ceremony.
Wait, you’re trusting us to bring the potato salad?!!
We should only listen to those whose forebearers died for 300+ years at the hands of the racists who ran the country.
Might have saved untold human suffering. But that kind of reshuffling of this historical deck would mean I would never be born. Put that time machine away and let Johnny do his thing.
Does having these statutes saved somewhere help us not forget? I can’t believe our recollection of history depends on having a statute stored away somewhere. I have never seen a Hitler statute but I’ve have not forgotten him.
That’s the way I feel about the 3/5ths compromise being in the Constitution. An eternal mark of shame to remind us of how we got here.
Been considering lately what the south would have looked like had Lincoln not been assassinated.
Yup, I’ve come to the same conclusion. My idea is to turn all of the plantations that still exist into national parks in the same vein as the European concentration camps.
Ugh, I can’t even. I was just talking on Facebook last night about all this. The Trumpkins could not be reasoned with. One lady was like “No one cared about these monuments and statues for the past 150 years.” When I told people how most of this was all created during the Jim Crow era, I was ignored.
It is important to remember, that in the proper historical context, the Confederacy was a moral abomination and everybody knew it. It’s not like people didn’t know slavery was wrong. They simply chose to practice it anyway.
Delegates at South Carolina’s secession convention decreed that “an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” and protested that Northern states had failed to “fulfill their constitutional obligations” by interfering with the return of fugitive slaves to bondage. - D…
My naive opinion on confederate statues was always that they should be kept up as marks of shame. I didn’t think it was right for Universities etc. to ignore the fact that they once held horrible people in esteem. It felt like letting them off the hook after supporting racists.
The confederacy is treason, responsible for the most destructive war in American history. We got off relatively easy in the World Wars. The confederacy is emblematic of the enslavement and oppression of millions of human beings over hundreds of years. This is not open for debate and negotiation is not possible. No…
Due to recent events, all of America is suddenly talking about the possibility of removing the Confederate monuments…
It was the cruel efficiency of the Holocaust that always shook me—the way, as you listen to the stories of…
Legislation to prevent transgender people from using the bathrooms of their choosing has bit the dust in Texas,…
My grandmother confronted a Skin head in the 90s. I was a kid and (then) mortified that my 5 foot nothing, red headed gram (Irish Catholic) told off a stranger minding his own business. (we’re Canadian). He got in her face and swore at her but she didn’t back down. He threatened to cut her. She laughed at him. I…
Good for her.
This people should be ashamed of themselves. WTF did our grand fathers fight WW2 for if these people have now betrayed this country for a second time.