
Those little folders full of air kisses he gets twice a day are really working.

This is worse than watching After Earth or Man of Steel. I had to pause this five times to get through thirty seconds.

I’ve heard it’s the Florida of the Midwest.

When Ohio sends its people…

John Wayne day on TCM. I gotta zone out for while.

Impossible. His golf swing is the stuff of legend! He’d join the PGA tour but it wouldn’t be fair to all the other golfers. He once played a round at Mar-A-Lago where his final score was 17.

Vanilla ISIS.

Not to be Otto optimism, but yes we can. It’s shit, but we’ll get through it.

Make it better = Improving his swing.

They got him. He will be charged with murder now as one of the people he hit has died. Wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t go after the death penalty on top. 

Meetings = Golf

And this is Vanilla ISIS

Nazi riots on the streets of America, nuclear war being discussed....I’m tired of so much winning!

Why is the Klan allowed to exist? It is a TERRORIST organization IN America. Launch the fucking predator drones.

I just said to my family that I think all my hope has died now. We can’t come back from this, I don’t think.

Did they pull this motherfucker out of the car and detain him?

Like a dynasty. Michelle then Malia and Sasha.

I like this approach; it’s the same principle as the sharing philosophy where Party A cuts a treat in half, therefore Party B gets to pick which half they have. Keeps everyone honest. If Republicans want dictatorship, Democrats should get to pick the dictator.

Thanks You! - the heart attack many will suffer after reading your proposal will greatly reduce their numbers

Fine, they can have the dictatorship but they don’t get to pick who will be in charge. I say OBAMA 2017-ETERNITY.