
And the journalist who was in the car said it could have reversed 20ft..............

If you sit there like a moron doing nothing instead of honking or trying to back up, you are partially to blame for getting hit.

That was right after the part where they said there was 20+ft behind it........

And the guy being quoted says there’s 20 feet of space. Oh, someone’s lying ...

Did you read the part that the journalist (who was actually there) said it could have reversed 20 ft?

This comment needs to be cross posted to Jezebel.

That logic makes perfect sense. Your ex was great at sex and you wanted some that night. It was all the ex’s fault.

I saw the tweet (screenshot here in case it disappears), but the company VP’s statement is in conflict with the eyewitness passenger account. VP claims it was “boxed in”, while the passenger says there was about a car-length of room.

I had an ex scrape the side of the garage with her car, and tell me it was my fault. She was upset at me at the time (I probably earned it), and told me it happened because she was angry and didn’t focus.

Backing up and blowing the horn may work in Las Vegas, but if these autonomous vehicles want to survive in NYC or Philadelphia, they’re going to need a very LOUD horn, a middle finger and some choice swear words, not only in English but also Spanish, Italian and Russian.

I had an ex who told me a story about backing out of her garage, and into her ex’s *parked* car. She told me that it was his fault for parking there.

I’m shocked they haven’t programmed a vehicle like this to avoid contact. Avoidable contact is inherently the shared responsibility of the person/thing who sits there like a total dipshit and does nothing. Not so much as a horn honk? They should take these things off the street until they can include what should be a

I think Leo is a dingleberry, but it’s the NYDN that posits he’s “worried” so I’d take it with a large grain of salt before you decide he’s guilty of something based on one night out where he wasn’t actively trying to pick up women.

My understanding is that the lineup isn’t technically official until kick-off and substitutions can still be made freely until that point, but instead of looking it up I wrote this comment.


I can predict with absolute certainty only two pitchers who will not appear tonight: Game 6 starters Rich Hill and Justin Verlander.

Coming from a Nationals and DC sports fan in general, and with respect, but Joe Maddon can shut right the fuck up about calls he doesn’t like that impact a game.

Weird that they would employ so many underage workers, especially in an environment where they might be exposed to “nudity, sexual scenarios, racial epithets, suggestive gestures, profanity and references to stereotypes.”

Little early for that. Can’t you wait till after Halloween, you pervert?

The idea of having Bush on the field along with White was that Texas wouldn’t have been able to commit 100% against an inside run. In college, at least, Bush’s speed was absolutely terrifying. His mere presence on the field created the possibility of a big play that would have put the game completely out of reach.