
“Did anyone feel a rumbling just now?”

With the prospects of flash flooding increasing, I’m concerned about survivability. How long will it float in water?

Mostly good points, but you miss one big one. My son’s baseball gear can get to smelling extremely foul and I appreciate the fact that I can keep the stench restricted to the trunk. I even fit the canopy in the back seat of my sedan.

Love the green Tabasco. A Chipotle I went to used to offer full bottles for use but now uses a pump dispenser. Somehow taking extra from a dispenser doesn’t have the same satisfaction as taking the rest of the bottle.

Kudos for the spot on title. I knew what to expect when I clicked on the article and wasn’t disappointed

It would be an automatic double play at about the same rate extra points used to be in the NFL. It would result in less action as it would likely end the inning or erase baserunners that would add to further action.

What annoys me is when a restaurant refills their Heinz bottles with an inferior version of ketchup. Is it really that much cheaper? Usually I will get an actual bottle, but once after getting an imposter bottle I asked for Heinz and was told they didn’t have any. I always rip the label of a Heinz bottle to help

I thought that was the AL. Can’t run and play the field, just DH. See Pujols, Papi, etc. The NL has to play and hit

Uh, at least it’s a long bed. (Looking at the positive)

And what do you do with false reports? Enough loopholes to drive a truck through. We don’t need wasted efforts, we need something that actually works

The article is short on details of how the interaction actually goes down. Unless the white people are given a refund as they were asked about their experience, this is actionable discrimination. I’m sure some SJW will get a kick out of it, but a lawyer is planning on a lawsuit and will probably get a nice settlement.

Sounds like he’s playing by the [physics] rules the game provides...

Exactly! There’s a difference between sexual harassment and general “harassment” at work by the boss. Yes, it’s tough to leave a job where the people are toxic, but it’s also usually worth it if you can’t handle it.

EP may be a separate line item on the paycheck, so without details, it’s tough to really make up my mind of what to make of this situation.

Only lag bolts you say? Did they say what size, or do I need to bring the whole toolbox?

Or the players could get conditioned for the season they have, not the one they want.

Much ado about nothing...if he speaks every citation used, he’ll come across choppy and sounding amateurish. At the same time, an interviewer or host may follow up and ask how Jaws determines an “interceptable” pass - it’s not like the term is common jargon.

I could tell the difference (the weather was getting a little warmer, but we weren’t out of winter temps yet) when the wear from my snow tires was leaving tire residue all over the rear of my car.

Nope...was clear enough that you were referring to the extra CPO $, not the actual vehicle purchase.

Makes sense, my DRLs always make me roll backwards when I release the parking brake on the driveway.