
This weekend I hope to work my way towards getting a 100% in Super Mario Odyssey. After that, will be Golf Story, Mario Kart 8, BotW DLC, The Sims 4, and maybe the Diablo 3 anniversary event. As far as New Year’s resolutions, there is the usual one to lose weight (to make use of the treadmill in my basement at least 3

Yup. Luther Strange got to vote for the tax scam bill last nigh, even though there’s a Senator-elect already!

What a truly dreadful world we live in where Donkey Kong cheat and hot sauce-magnate Billy Mitchell is only the second worst person with that name.

Now playing

I’ve got it on good authority that Steven Seagal works for the taliban.

Gimme a break.

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

I’m a middle aged husband/father, yet I still giggled like a 10 year old at this. Thanks Stig, I needed that this morning.

I hear a lot of people like smell of maybe that?

A purist in the sense that I disregard the prequel trilogy or that I see Palpatine as the “villain gotta villain” type of character?

There never was a Senator Palpatine. Even while he wore the title of “Senator” he was always Palpatine: Dark Lord of the Sith. Always planning, always scheming. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, as it were.

People need to stop firing off takes about Aroldis’ personal life like a handgun in a garage.

Alex Jones has been peddling this ‘Hillary is a child sex slaver’ bullshit story since Cathy O’Brien wrote an entire fake book about being a sex slave of Hillary and some other politicians at least 15 years ago.
I remember reading all this after seeing a Linklater movie and Alex Jones was in it. My friends and I

Yeah, the claim among the true believers is that it was a false flag attack to discredit the accusations by making them look like crazy, violent idiots.

can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.

I get it now. 2016 isn’t real, it just refuses to break kayfabe.

And to think, they’re not even the most empowered group of wizards in Washington.

Might secretly be the hottest take on Deadspin.

I really hope the Mets don’t waste a camp invite on someone who has proven he can’t play baseball at the Major League level. I get that he’s a really nice guy and used to be a famous star, but this whole David Wright spectacle needs to come to an end.
