
He’s a real moron.

I’m not a Red Sox fan, but Yoan Moncada is coming up and I haven’t been so excited for a prospect in a loooooong time. .277/11/45 in 47 games at the AA level. Just cannot wait to see him play.

It was decent. I agree the novel felt that way, his other books, especially The Wind-Up Girl are much better.

I’ve got Edymion next on my list, but I had to read volume six of Saga and the first volume of Paper Girls. Brian K. Vaughn is knocking it out of the park right now.

I haven’t tried any Asimov, how is it?

Ready Player One was fantastic, Armada... not so much. Really looking to see what Spielberg does with the material.

It was my first time with Dune and I was surprised how quickly a 900 page novel could go. I’m going to try one of the sequels soon, but they seem more daunting.

I tried Do Androids Dream when I was a teenager and just couldn’t get into the pacing. This time I was able to fly through it, along with We Can Remember That For You Wholesale and a couple others. He’s just so good at setting up that bleak dystopian future.

This year? Dune, Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, The Water Knife, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Various PK Dick short stories. I am on a classic sci-fi tear.

Someone’s stirred up all the dust in here.

I was very pleased with West Ham’s window, despite injuries happening along the way.

They really are.

God, I hate Phil Simms.

USA Today’s Chris Chase did it for me.

Yes, it’s our fault that Mike Carey was objectively terrible at his job.

His poor job also shows why replay is generally bad when everything is scrutinized like the NFL These are interpretations of rules, of course Ref A and Ref B may see it differently, thus make different calls on the field, but really, Carey was

I like the buildable figures that Lego has been coming out with for Star Wars, but they do much better with droids and helmeted figures. The human heads just look... bad.

Torn labrums you say?

Jairo can fix that.

“Tim Tebow Got What He Needed”


Jerramy Stevens could have done better.