
Somebody check on Magary.

Let’s just hope this Sanchize doesn’t do anything infamous with another man’s butt.

Tony Romo needs to being seeing Dr. Bornstein, he’ll be the second fittest person in the world if he does.

He’s a good doctor. And thorough.

I live here. Haha

Cutler would rather run as I, Michaud is a true D... so you know, let’s fuck things up and split the liberal vote.

I hope so. Mike is good people.

“America’s weak shins discovered when Arturo Vidal breaks 40 legs”

No, it’s a very smart move.

To quote my co-worker “He adopted a black kid, he can’t possibly be racist.”

And despite the heroin issues, you never see LePage talking about the meth labs that are busted on a near weekly basis. Most of those dudes cooking are pretty white.

I hate everyone here who voted for him. Christ. I would have been perfectly happy with Cutler or Michaud. Either one was fine. If Cutler runs as opposition to a Dem and Rep again, I will be unhappy.

Also not helping the vote-splitting, there was a referendum to ban bear baiting on the ballot. All of the conservatives came out of the woods to vote against banning baiting and to vote for LePage.

You’re goddamn right

Everyone knows fat running backs suffer fewer head injuries. Goodell should be instituting a heavy Potatoes and Gravy regimen for every RB in the NFL. He has the power. Who’s going to fight this?

Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!

Yeah, that’s a bad choice in retrospect. They’ll be back some day!

I do not.

Yessir! My English friend helped me out when I got into soccer during the 06 World Cup. I wanted to follow a team that was fun, but not a frontrunner. He suggested Everton and West Ham. I chose the Hammers.

I will buy you a Dimi Payet kit. You can be converted.