
Now that we've established that Arya can Mission Impossible herself into anyone, I will be very disappointed if the final scene of the series is not someone-who-does-not-appear-to-be-Arya sitting on the Iron Throne who slowly pulls off their face to reveal Queen Arya.


Okay. Fair enough.

This movie is set in 2017 and it's all about a 9/11 documentary playing on a hotel room TV while Charlie Sheen snoozes in a hot tub.


TMZ presents Terrornado.

Super Skrull on the horizon?!

Or a three second scene where Thor glances at his phone. A text will say: "Studying rox. CUl8r. kthx bye."

I hope there's a seven second Jane Foster "scene" where they show her photo on a computer screen and say: "Jane Foster is studying rocks… or bones… or something. I'm not sure. Anyway, she can't be here."

The first two were meh, but this looks super-good.


And yes, if you do this in America, make sure you make a quick escape to avoid gunfire.


"This week on… THE MIST!"

I'm very happy to hear that there's a firewall between the uniquely excellent Legion and all of the other TV, movie dreck that has the X-Men named pasted on top.

Every character has been the Fresh Prince.

Yeah, I did. But it all runs together in my head.

It's Memento.

Is your uncle Anita Bryant?

My takeaway from watching this was how damn out-of-shape modern Americans are.