
People like to peg a time when America departed from a supposed era of civility and reason into this current "extreme polarization" or however one chooses to characterize it.

And here's another reply for your hand clicker.

That's not the best thing about me! I'm handsome, smart as fuck, dangerously funny, athletic, creative, tall, muscular, I smell good, I'm kind, on and on really.

You don't find it troubling that your observations keep referencing the Kardashians?

The Misst.

And a Chinese man bottles his pickled dick to sell as erection medicine.

… are looking pretty goddamn good right now.

The fucking welfare pandas, whales, and penguins need to stop expecting handouts and get a goddamn job at Wal-mart like the rest of us.

"Global catastrophe? No problem. I'll just present this Magic Carpenter Get Out of Apocalypse Free card I keep in my back pocket. Oh, shit. I had it here a minute ago. On second thought, I don't need the card. I have a personal relationship with this guy. He's my sky daddy and he built me a solid gold McMansion in the

Can she make smoke babies from her magic cooch?

Your Stockholm Syndrome is embarrassing.

But I *DON'T LIKE* dumb people.

We should seriously consider the Soylent Green/Logan's Run solution and turn old people into dip'n sauce.

Spoiler alert: Frankie Muniz is god.

Hitler WAS a sympathetic figure. Charismatic, adored. That's crucial to the nature of his evil. You should feel more than a little slimy for sympathizing with him, but you should sympathize with him. Evil seduces.

Ask your Amazon Home Echo Bot.

The killing is going to happen.

Oh, my.

Also, I'd love to see your List of Concerns.