
Meanwhile at The Hague…

Some experts predict that humans will achieve immortality within the next few decades. Imagine a world where these people never die. Shudder.

Just the eyebrows, huh?

Only a shambling heap of waste like Rob Kardashian would select this horrifying ghetto muppet. Let the shit parade roll on.

>> Doppel-Cooper and Dougie-Cooper

True story… I built a website in 1996 and they're STILL using the site, largely unchanged.

Visitor counters!

Instead of prayer or pledges of allegiance, school children the world over should sing this song in its entirety to begin each day.

I love you, David Lynch.

Less than slightest shit accepted.


Halloween opened and closed the door on this in 1978.

All characters played by McBride are Kenny Powers.

The thing that these assholes do not understand about Spider-man is that his story is best set in the 1970s. All bell bottoms, megafros, junkies, graffiti, and the best version of NYC period.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Internet.

This is beautiful.

That guy probably paid $500 for his bespoke, custom fitted, artisanal, black beefy-T.

They are just any random bus station flotsam except with shiny things on them.

The Munsters 2017.