
That clan is vile, gross, and entirely without value from top to bottom.

These are the same people who would ask why M. Emmet Walsh hates those cans in The Jerk.

I take all of this show in the comic book, snarky spirit in which it is given.

He's gonna be a 10 when he gets outta Hell.

He also looks doughy as fuck.

Okay, this post is incoherent.

This whole thing is weird AF. That's a cute picture of his daughter, but what's the point? Why not include whatever photos most closely show her appearance TODAY? I lived in Crown Heights for a few years and that area around Barclays is dodgy as hell. A lot of privileged white kids wander through there thinking it's

Since this is AVC, I'm assuming most have seen (or are aware of) Gilgun in Misfits. If not, do yourself a favor. That entire series is fantastic and he's a beacon.

It's not Hitler.

"Confectioners," huh? Mighty generous. More like Jiffy Lubers.

Or… LRG Hizhop KKKoollyder.

Large Hiphop Collider opens in 2020.


There are eight million stories in the naked city.

You know… the headband-over-whiteman-afro schtick was amusing some two or three decades ago.

Star Trek XVIII: Open the Pod Bay Doors, Oreo Oreo Oreo Flavored Oreos.

Star Trek XVII: Oreo Oreo Oreo Flavored Oreos (2021).

All they do to make the "flavors" is tweak the artificial flavor and swap out some food coloring.

Because in the 24th century (or whatever… who gives a fuck really), they don't have protective masks, helmets. Their sick bay/quarantine area is accessed by leading a vomiting, coughing, bleeding man through the interior of the ship. Also, "hey, let's start touching, pressing buttons on this alien ship." And this is

This movie is such a stupid, stupid piece of shit.