
Very interesting read. Nicely done.

Cosby's town hall tour should be sponsored by Ambien.

Cosby is a guy who has no fucking game.

I'd honestly rather see Backdraft 2.

I wouldn't know.

Lucas is a fan of Star Wars, Scott is a fan of Alien, Abrams is a fan of Star Trek, Snyder is a fan of Superman, Singer is a fan of X-Men

I've always been proud of my uncanny ability to keep random celebrity trash info out of my head. All I know about Sheeran is he looks like a pedo ginger hobbit. Never heard him play nor speak. I intend to keep it that way.

With the exception of one or two comic book movies, I'd characterize ALL of the superhero genre films as slightly entertaining.

Now, some people might ask: "If every fucking day is Blade Runner and The Mist, why would you live in China?"

Two sweaty women in lingerie and heavy make-up grappling in front of an audience of thousands…

The fawk were you raised?

Speaking of snow.

Can I buy it on Laserdisc?


Serious question… is there ANYTHING in that video — hairstyles, clothing, videos, CDs — that would in any way distinguish this from the very same Fred Meyer in 2017?

Would it be okay if I just mention to the assembled Internet that I have always hated Jim Carrey?

You're right.

Runaway Train is superior in every way to Speed.

Speed was and is garbage.

"But, but, but… Seth Rogen is JEEEWWWWWWISH!"