
Considering your team's views on Noah's Ark, climate change, talking snakes and magic apples as a basis for stem cell research, the so-called Sandy Hook conspiracy, Holocaust revisionism, mass school shootings as background noise, the conversion ratio of uninsured deaths to real estate in Dubai, pussy grabbing,

Looking at that photo above of the cops getting too too TOO close to our vampire friend makes me think they'll find themselves easily disarmed (maybe literally) as they make that classic TV/movie mistake of making sure their guns are within easy snatching range.

"Bad news. The mist is getting thicker."

People like Claritin (TM).

Hindsight is 20-20.

I thought the ending was great, but not perfect. The only thing that might have improved it was if there was some sort of visible creeping peril that more unambiguously signified certain doom. Trapped in the car, the final option. I mean for a father to kill his son, he would probably wait until the very last possible

Yes. Agreed. The show trotted out all of the character cliches and they figure our minds will be blown long about season 2 or 3 when they upend all of our expectations, but the real twist is that there won't be a season 2 or 3.

There are lots of things in a forest that can kill a dog. The soldier saw his dog killed in a particularly gruesome way, but the police and the other people in that jail only know a crazy man was shouting about his dog. And tried to grab guns. Ever spend time in many US cities? There are homeless addicts, mentally ill

Danger from what? Put yourself in the shoes of the characters (something the writers did not seem interested in doing). All the characters know at that point is there's a fog outside that's been there for about three minutes. And some unseen person screamed.

There are many things in China that are not nearly as great as they claim.

When the dad decided to release two prisoners from the cell after seeing five seconds worth of fog, I knew this series was going to be hitting Walking Dead levels of stupid and that's game, set, and match for this show. And the second prisoner goes from "shut up, crazy person" to "you're going to need us for the

I live in China.

Like Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction.

Lionel Richie is like Frank Reynolds.

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Lionel Richie. Dave Grohl.

This post is impenetrable to me. I will upvote it because… genius?

I think Aubrey Plaza is great, but as soon as I see the trite nun gimmick I tune out.

Ladies, just smoke your goddamn weed.

Mel Gibson's Bejesus.