
At this point Super Lex is probably editorial mandate, the story told in the prior issue seems like it would have worked nearly 1:1 without that and these preview pages don't show anything making Super Lex necessary.

More like "could he really have done than what we got considering the editorial constraints of the Truth arc?"

Or better yet, the 'passphrase' isn't a spoken word at all — it's the original Dragonzord medley from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Dragon Dagger toy.

Reminds me of a Game of Thrones season 4 conversation where speaker A may have meant two things but only asked one (exposition followed by 'do you deny it') so speaker B looks him dead in the eye and answers "Categorically."

Several advance reviews were careful to disclaimer themselves with "maybe it gets better in later episodes but we can't account for that hypothetical" and I remember that back when it was at 14% that was with 2 'fresh' reviews to 12 'rotten' ones but those were all for the first six episodes.

Had an idea where the protagonist come across a lock pad and try to figure out/test the various possibilities — be it a keypad, retinal scan, palm scan, electronic smart card — only for the thing to just be a plastic cover, covering a microphone for a passphrase to be spoken at.

I for one was thinking all three CW DC shows except Legends of Tomorrow.

My headcanon for MCU Colleen was "Chinese-American (adoptee?) who learned Japanese later in life and leaned on Japanese martial arts tropes as far as presentation/marketing because American pop culture had coded it as cooler/more 'protagonist' than Chinese for decades."

It also feels dissonant with how fandom pushed back against Maggie's critics when Maggie's 'rejection' of Alex was all about the 'not now', complete with one reviewer specifically starting that she'd been Alex only to years later be Maggie.

This is the same Maggie who declared that she should have planned something on Roulette and was promptly declared a great cop by Alex so this is one place where season 2's been more consistent…

I rationalized it as 'unable to grab more aliens without both active resistance and Supergirl' but then that would be presumed on Lillian Luthor's believing that Supergirl couldn't have already known about the attack on the bar…

It COULD be a case of shapeshifter impersonation of a human President Marsdin, but Season 1 did that with Senator Crane.

Reminds me of the aftermath of the Peter Parker-is-Spider-Man reveal… J. Jonah Jameson had to drop the hammer on Peter and it sounds like Snapper's job is to keep it from coming to that point, even if he's arguably failed by her lasting this long.

From what I understand she and Maxwell's actor didn't renew did to the uncertainty surrounding season 2.

And I'm left wondering 'where's NCPD outside of Maggie in the fight against Cadmus?'

I'm guessing that 'surrogate father' is why he gave her a chance by testing her instead of just going ahead and declaring her off the case… unless he figured that she'd go rogue anyway and needed a pretext.

I actually liked both incarnations… New-52 Superman for of all things the MythBrawl mini-arc and pre-n52 Superman I've been sold on since the county fair issue!

J'onn being right is pretty much a major problem with the premise of this episode…

Perhaps not so much the floppies, but in additional to digital, trade-waiting's a thing too.

Ehhhh, at least with Old Man Logan it's explicitly via crossing timelines so Earth-616 Logan's death has stuck.