
Setting aside looking like a Nazi minion, and the fact he was the public face of this insane lunacy unfolding in front of us all.
I loved that guy !
Sorry he was voted of so soon. I thought he would last till mid season at least.
Will it make the crazy Trump interview fall of the attention deficit news cycle. Tune in

Without him the zombie genre is just a shambling uninteresting corpse.
RIP great director, talented story teller and human.

It's always 'aparant' what the problem is.

Trump would move on her like a b*tch. (Whatever that means)

Wait till he adorns himself in satin. A lovely satin suit. Or was it velvet.

No, I think he just projects what in his mind is the most icky thing he can think about.
Like saying "I'd never kiss a girl because she Smell's" thing's that I guess some arsehole kid somewhere says when there 6. Typical shitty bully behaviour. Even school yard bullies get more sophisticated by there teen years.

Which will come with a warning to read on a empty stomach.

Does anyone really know the risks of anything ?
Think that's a lot of credit to give someone. Tbh not entirely sure I care or just want to point out some further horror assosicated with him but do think there genuine "help me !" Pre nuped and locked into a contract to love a monster. Yeah I can still muster some

Going to say this here as first mention of Melania. Her statement yesterday was a further cry for help. She stands by her statement that when attacked her husband will "punch back" ten times harder. Really think about that.
If she says anything trump perceives as an attack,he will "punch back" ten times as hard. Her

Pretty sure the original comment you refer to was mine from last week. Lot of people started watching the show. Probably high chance this comment will recycle till the show ends.
Eventually the comment section will just be people with nothing better to do….

The actor who plays Chris was in something else and the difference was shocking, he was so much more watchable.
I have pondered what sort ofan hates emotion. What happened and why is he making TV shows.

In a very small way I give that awful batman with val kilmer a bit more credit than it deserved (and to a much lesser extent the George clooney one). At least they tried to camp it up. Mostly failed. Did quiet like the "holey rusted iron Batman" line.
However I like living in a world where Adam West is amazing in how

He jumped the shark one more time, with a big POW he was gone.
Best batman ever. Added colour and excitement to a rather drab childhood.
Hard to believe batman was once a fun character played brilliantly by a campy thespian in tights.

Also gave up on TWD when I realised starting my week with a solid hour of torture and depression was not doing me any good.
In theory the show you describe sounds amazing.

She was great in deadwood. I've heard the show runner is phobic to emoting (or old show runner.)and directs them to show as little emotion as possible.
I totally only read this review and made this comment so I can feel good about the fact I don't watch the show anymore. (Got out two episodes in last season);
My three

No, because is the whole reason for savatar being evil is because he was a time remnant that Barry createdto fight somome, but after he survived they shunned him.
So I'm the future before he was savatar the team had no compassion for him, now after the whole savatar thing and killing H.R they show compasion.
The whole

It's James bond who is a mouse and has a flying car. What's not to love. I don't think I knew there were new ones.
Who does the voice now ? Is it still David Jason. I guess I could google that, it was the voice acting that really made it. Oh and the animation style. Yeah I'm going to have a look :)

So explain the process of my alleged troll ? Or is it just a bunch of people pointing and going look, look but there is no fire.

Nuance, my friend. The outrage was aimed at me for what exactly ?(originally, have a look) . I was enjoying how quick people were to get outraged by something I don't think they even particularly cared to read.

Nope. You were not. This time I double checked (or did I) and I definitely never said that. So I am still (even more so) confused about the assertation I'm the aggressive one. I'll own it if you can show me where.