
Now see I thought you were the trump supporter. Oh this could get embarrassing.

Feel free to specifically point out the agression. This time I did review (or did I) and honestly I don't see it.

First thing you said was "you fucked up". That's a pretty aggressive intro for a spelling mistake.
Imagine doing that in real life. Going upto someone and saying you "fucked up".
Pretty aggressive. I'm guessing you have an angry internal dialogue. Grrrr

Thanks. Yeah it's hard to judge the tone on the avclub. Such a vestige of serious aggression.
I'll so my absolute bestest in the future to see if I can please all of the people all of the time.
Thank you again.

No I never went back to look again, don't be stupid.
I just said that to see what agresion you would follow up with.
However does that really fuck up a witty reply ? I don't think it does. It might lessen the impact or degraid it, or it light even add another hilarious dimension.
Definitely does not leave it "fucked

Thank you, that catches me out quiet often ;)

But my mistake does not disqualify my attempt at wit.
I was genuinely unsure of what that comment meant. Which is why I asked for clarification. People make mistakes. I'm a recovering idiot. However miss communication can lead to some nasty arguments about things that really shouldn't get nasty.

No you are right. Just enjoying the outrage for outrage sake.

Also feel free to be specific. Always willing to learn. I had a quick revision but could not see. So what specifically ?

Thank fuck I have you to point it out tho. Makes me feel like quiet the special little fellow.
If you want, feel free to follow me around and point these things out if it is how you choose to get your value in life.
Thanks again !

1) Thank you
2) yup, absolutely right but I'd like to see him think it was the one chance he had to get out of this.
His big "I know I have a crazy plan… It light just work!" Moment.

I'm sorry that question is super confusing.
I'm pretty sure (could be wrong) that you meant "what the fuck are you talking ? Asshole."
See the position if the question mark is important. If not it seems like you are questioning asshole.
Anyways I feel a point by point breakdown of the above conversation would be

If Bill said he was a transgender woman who was forced to identify as a predatory male sex pest by social "norms", and had full opp went on to become a popular adult web entertainer,who took pride in 'her' sexuality and freedom of expression, would the left accept him ?

Bill O'Reilly wants to show you his ass on Skype. If you watch he will give you a regular slot on his new web series on brietbart.

Hahahahahahaha ! Hahahaha !
Bad person gets fired !
Not in this reality !

Noel Fielding had his finest moment as Richmond in the IT Crowd. As someone who has never watched bake of, I doubt he is right for it. Knows how to string abstract concepts together.
So expect lots of shameful postulation and exonerations to the highest ebb of pointless masichnations and meandering pointless drivel,

Megan and Lucile sound's like a disappointing sitcom from the 90s about two "roommates" who have a fun time together exploring the perils of single life but never ever there obvious attraction. Before Will and Grace,before Ellen.
The actress who played Megan pushed for a more direct honest approach to the shows gay

Well there is also the time he had Trump on the show and did his absolute best to humanise him.
Now he knows he will never get him back on he is quick to Trump bash and it is better for it.

Sos, Been such a long day of non stop laughter I think I got joke blind :)

I heard that Steve Bannon was so repulsive, someone's mother who is not too fussy with whom she opens her gates of joy to, refused him entry.