Chorizo Jones

This is what happens when you deviate from your route.

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

The Bulls traded him to the Warriors for $2.5 million. People should never forget. Fuck

“You stole that from me, too.” — Kenyon Martin

Mine was “Laotian Crotty” and I think we need to team up on the next big club banger immediately.

This is a direct ripoff of my early nerdcore album, Black Chilcutt.

If this is against the rules, I’m glad the neighborhood 4th graders don’t know better to call me on it. #playingabovethe8'rim


+1 suitcase full of pills.*

I don’t know. An eastern European country having an undue influence to swing a vote to a mediocre white dude seems pretty fitting for where we are as a country right now.

Kind of funny story, I was first turned onto Red Fang by one of my med school professors who rolled into lecture rocking a Red Fang hoodie and opened with a you tube clip of one of their videos. Turns out his son was in the band.

How Pachulia.

Not to downplay Klay dropping 40, but Zaza was setting really nice screens.

And in an actual game no less.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

Impeccably credible. Monumentally, really.

He only snorts the best coke in the world. The best.

I’ve seen this Seinfeld, turns out it was the sweater.