I’mjust going to leave this here
I’mjust going to leave this here
In other fucked up news from the weekend, Bannon is getting a louder voice
Also in Texas, and makes me feel slightly better, because burning mosques is horrifying
Can I make a motion for inclusion in y’alls style guide? I think on any post like this, the last line should be a link to members of Congress and their phone numbers.
Edit: (very wealthy) dude pretending to be a billionaire
He was so worked up too, red eyes , all shouty. I can’t believe what I watched. Happy to go back to watching coverage of the march to stifle the sick feeling in my stomach
And afterwards, he , and everyone else, just promptly leaves. Hilarious
If you believe the “Donald trump doesn’t want to be president” people, it’s a great way for him to get removed from office.
Hollllyyyy fuckkk. Can we bring back putting people in stocks? Please? This guy is just asking to be put in stocks. Anyone seen congratulating him can get yolked up next to him
Had my first then. We were lucky enough to have pretty good jobs for being so young. S/o wanted, and was able, to work part time for the first two years. We kept a decent place, non leaky roof over our heads. Money was tight but we made it work. Now we’re approaching the meat of our earning potential, bought a nice…
I do largely agree but I also think some people are too quick on the draw with the word “racist.” Sadly there people out there saying/ believing /acting on evil racist ass shit, which is obviously terrible.
Shout out to Rihanna for ANTI on the track ordering. Starts out a little sparse, builds a bit, drops obvious synth, adds clean vocals and wraps as what would seem to be an Amy Winehouse homage. Nice little journey
I feel a ton for Kanye. A lot of people feel guilty, like the death of another is their fault, even though it never is. This one though, kinda is on Kanye and that can royally screw up anyone. Hope he and his family are ok (despite how much I dislike all of them).
The real insanity here is the cnn article where it seems like they think these actions ought to be lauded
When they go low, we lose.
Donald, you’re right processing 650,000 emails wouldn’t take 8 days. It could be less than one depending on other factors. 650k minus all emails not sent to or from Hillary, minus all the ones they’ve already reviewed compared at a hash level, I bet you’re only looking at a couple hundred emails.
Ignoring the delivery, I’m torn here. Part of me wants to yell “look at your husband, ya big dummy” while another wants to make fun of this as an endeavor... I can’t help but think that I’d be way more on board, if it had come out of someone else’s mouth.
She’s part vogon
The trailers for his movies are typically awful. Movies, on the other hand, mostly very good.
It really sucks he was cut for taking a stand