
I thought it was going to be about the cars looking like koalas...

Number of healthy adults under the age of 40 who get injured in showers:0

Celebrities’ nude photos, not ok (obviously)

It’s pretty bad that Billy Madison gets this right twenty plus years ago compared to a presidential candidate.

Probably not the “best” choice but something worth thinking over, imo. A couple year old volvo with the factory /service department offered polestar tune. C30, v60 or s60 depending on hatch/wagon/sedan preference. Pretty unique, I’ll call them near luxury, cool engine in the t5, quick enough with the tune.

That delayed ad overlayed on that second video is the work of the devil

No love for malbec? Order malbec

This may be true for many things , arts or business for example, but not very common in careers related to STEM. Not impossible to get away with but you’re going to have a much easier time becoming an engineer with a degree in engineering or something closely related like math than you are with B.A. in art history.

If you don’t like coffee, it’s worth trying it cold brewed. None of the “burnt” taste some who dislike it experience.

Really sad these people have a movie version of the Boston accent and not the hilariously real down East Maine accent

As I read this, not quite remembering the song, thought “What a bunch of dum-fund”

Lego movie crushed it.

ME2 , streaming ps now rental on ps4. It’s the first time I used the service and am amazed it works as well as it does.

Honestly, everyone should have seen this coming. In a way, although two completely, polar opposite candidates, Sanders and Trump share one thing which makes them so popular in a state like NH. The people seem to be sick of “establishment” candidates, believing we need some sort of political revolution; what that means

I get using the term “doping” for blood doping or actually taking drugs to improve performance but calling this mechanical/technological/motorized doping is extremely dumb. Not attacking you but, surely, this makes way more sense to call cheating. The community needs a better phrase

Only thing for ESPN to do is get their lawyers to serve yahoo with a shitload of paper. I hope a law suit from someone like the world wide leader would make yahoo clean up their act with the third party ads and maybe cause others to try to clean up the industry. Yahoo’s site serves up malware every few months courtesy

Dat headline doe. Not sure if mistake or pure genius. Regardless, never change deadspin.

This week my wife and I both realized, while we still love each other, neither of us really likes the person the other has become over the last 6 years. Not sure what happens from here :(

Cam v Wilson