
Cool, I just grabbed the first of these from the library and hadn’t opened it yet. Good to see it recommended, and I’m looking forward to starting it.

“If we’ve learned anything, forward momentum and hope, that’s what nurtures luck…”

You guys are really all-in on this show apparently.

This makes me want to pretend to be Randall’s friend for a year so I can finally trick him into clicking on a pointless article recounting a clearly fake story, heartlessly wasting his time to avenge my own lost 5 minutes.

“They can’t actually bring Steve Rogers back and stay with the consistency of it because you can’t just draw a new Chris Evans—he’s gonna age, he’s gonna lose interest, won’t want to be in it anymore.”

My impression of the TZ reboot:

Kate got my vote just for nailing that #1 pick. Cheesy Gordita Crunch is GOAT.

Username/comment synergy off the charts.

The real drywall was the friends we made along the way.

♪ The romcom column is a curious cat ♪

I mean, maybe YOU’LL see John Cena in the Suicide Squad sequel. It certainly sounds like something you’d do.

sucking his thumb”

There can be two earthquakes.

Per IMDB, looks like 10 episodes.

Follow the dotted line to see how the waiter fucked off all about the restaurant bringing you your cold food, and then blamed Granddad’s ghost.

The Heart Always Fucking Calls When I’m In The Shower

The Rock Band thing is right on target for me. Ted Leo & Aimee Mann’s “The Both” album is just one example of something I first encountered in Rock Band that went on to become an all-time favorite.

Who better to perform a piece of music subtitled Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs than Portishead’s Beth Gibbons?”

Requiescat in pace, before-times gimmick commenter Claudia Kishi BSC VP - my only touchstone for this series.

All Chancellor Puddinghead comments are the same.