
My mom got a stomachache almost every time it rained. Considering we lived in Houston, with its humid, storm-happy

That reminds me of the ending to Battlestar Galactica, where everyone decides to chuck their perfectably good technology into the sun just because of one little robot uprising that made people want to try something completely new and outrageous in the hopes that what had happened before would not happen again, only to

Whenever anyone would complain about Disqus in the old days, I’d always say, “at least it’s not fucking Kinja.” I feel as if I’ve been cursed.

I voted for Gary Johnson. Hateful leftists call me every day to ask where Aleppo is. How am I supposed to know? It isn’t labeled on the globe I hide my weed in. My life has become a living hell.

Too bad for him there are no ratlines to help him escape to Peronist Argentina anymore.