Alright, one more empty social media gesture that we can feel good about without actually trying to make a positive difference.
Alright, one more empty social media gesture that we can feel good about without actually trying to make a positive difference.
This checks out.
The only pitchforks left anymore are the free Obamaforks he gave to people on the dole (mostly minorities, as if I even have to say).
I think this is a both/and situation.
Just continuing the fine American tradition of failing ever upward as long as you start out rich.
Something something Ivanka's rack before sobbing uncontrollably at the state of the world.
Sizzling hot take.
I know, but sometimes you just can't control what makes you horny.
The A.V. Club
Boxing competitively for about five years would probably also do the trick.
Bakula—the only Scott more feared than Baio.
You're talking about a few hundred cranks.
Bannon's Catholicism is cynical and doesn't even seem to have a spiritual dimension, so I don't think earnest Catholics like yourself should feel bad about him.
From what I hear, the dude somehow has nothing but time.
Spicer's already basically a bot so they should just go that way and cut the human factor out of the equation altogether.
I take your point, but we can't just ignore what got us here.
Looks like he could use a nice, relaxing smoke of crack.
Move bad people at eaties.
You're thinking urologist.