"Get back" -- Chonky Cat

My parents took me out of the classroom when reproduction was taught in Jr. high. They toyed with home schooling me, ultimately realizing that they didn’t have the time, energy, or educational background to do so. But that didn’t stop them from providing a steady diet of Bible-based VHS tapes and workbooks teaching

One thing I’ve noticed is that Warren voters (including myself) were willing to support Bernie if that’s who was chosen. They had similar messages-- delivered differently and with details changed, yes, but overall, either would have been acceptable. Bernie supporters, on the other hand, seemed very “Bernie or bust!”

Al Franken would like a word...

I am 5'2". My last ex was 6'3". This did not bode well for our sex life--positions were severely limited. I’m now dating a guy who is 6' even and am constantly caught off-guard by how much easier it is to spontaneously “do it”. So yeah, “tall” does not always mean “good”.

He’s still attractive to me in a way that is deeply upsetting. He’s that guy we all banged in college and wished our friends didn’t know about because he’s that sleazy. But somehow, it works.

I dated a guy who “didn’t read”. He also “didn’t do politics”. Or any form of self-improvement. His interests were limited and he refused to discuss anything outside of them. He was exhausting and boring at the same time. I need someone who can at least appreciate a good sentence or a well-woven story. I can’t be with

An unreliable narrator makes for a great story. That’s why Lolita is so enduring and conflicting; he tells you himself not to take his words at face value.

The whole point is to disrupt life for EVERYONE in order to effect change. Yes, it sucks if you are the person stuck behind a protest cutting off traffic. But it sucks more to be a BIPOC killed by cops. 

My office job requires a background and credit check (and a drug test, but that’s a different discussion). Most places do. The fact that our government doesn’t is baffling.

Funny you mention it; my partner was just complaining yesterday that Uline boxes are 3x cheaper than what we can get locally, so we kind of have to work with them. He has a brand-new business and is at the point where cost is the biggest factor, so I’ll hold off on this information for now. Do you have any

I would be fine if the entire list consisted of Robert Evans’ content. He puts things into perspective without inducing panic and raised the alarm when many were preaching “give Trump a chance”. BtB is required listening for me.

The whole thing with BDSM is that there has to be trust and mutual respect. You have to know that when you say “no/stop” (or the equivalent safeword), they will stop. There should be frequent check-ins. And aftercare--cuddling and affection--are huge. I’m not seeing any of that here, which makes it abuse, not BDSM.

I live in ND and this is exactly the type of legislation I expect from “our” Reps. They have also introduced bills to make abortion a crime and discriminate against trans children. It’s like voters deliberately choose the most ignorant “good ol’ boy” they can find and vote him (always a him; we had Heidi Heitkamp as a

It reminds me of a brother-sister duo I was friends with in high school. Their dad left the family for a local singer and their mom owned a local bar. Mom smoked like a chimney and didn’t hide her prolific sex life from her children. I met the kids in my church’s youth group, which they attended of their own volition.

My mom says that women grieve the relationship before it’s over, so we move on “faster” after the break. Men wait until the actual breakup and then react. My experience has borne this out. I had checked out of my marriage a good year before I asked for a divorce. I did the things you are supposed to do to “fix”

“Price of admission” applies to most people, in that everyone has baggage or less than ideal circumstances. For me, a childless by choice woman, 2 kids with different mothers is definitely the price of admission to have my partner. Same with him working constantly on his business. Ideally, I’d be dating a childfree

I was raised that you ate what you put on your plate yourself. So if Grandma gave me half a plate of mashed potatoes, I wasn’t obligated to eat them all since I didn’t portion it. But if I asked for half a plate of mashed potatoes, I had to eat it all. This makes perfect sense to me and is how I handle feeding kids,

As a very sexually curious child who was also quite mature for my age (physically and mentally), I am incredibly thankful that none of the adults in my life manipulated that. I most certainly threw myself at men I had no business being near when I was a teenager. They uniformly shut me down. When my little brother’s

Here’s my take: even if a child is actively pursuing you, even if you wake up to that child taking off your pants, it is on you as the adult to make the right call on their behalf. A pre-teen may very well have sexual feelings for an adult and even want to act them out, but they don’t fully understand what a

That’s the beauty of it: from the prologue, you know Humbert Humbert is a pedophile/murderer who is trying to convince the jury to let him off. But the prose is so perfect that it’s easy to forget who is telling the story and why. To me, that’s the tension and appeal of the story. How can such a monster convey such