"Get back" -- Chonky Cat

I would be more concerned if he wasn’t with an Asian woman when he made the comments (if he were single and asked if he wanted kids and said “yeah, I want beautiful Asian babies”, that would be clearly problematic). But saying “I want babies that look like their beautiful mother” is sweet. I’m not a fan of his

That, and that you border ND, which is full of anti-maskers.... I know because I live here and avoid going out so I don’t lose it on some asshole wearing his mask as a chinstrap.

It would make more sense if he died a couple of days, not several weeks, after the interview.

The Daily did a story on her for their Sunday episode, which introduced me to her. It seems that Kourtney reached out because her son is a fan and the women unexpectedly connected. I still don’t “get” Addison Rae, but I can imagine that she and Kourtney have some shared experiences surrounding sudden fame and internet

One of my biggest issues with having my partner around ALL OF THE TIME has been that I can’t comfort eat in front of him, which is my main coping mechanism. I found myself waiting for him to go to bed and telling him I’m just tidying up the kitchen while I stuff my face full of cookies or ice cream or whatever I can

I love this song so much.

This article and every comment has me thinking “Maintenance Phase covered that!” over and over. Love it.

My dad’s sister was hospitalized for her eating disorder when she was a teenager and “recovered”. I say “recovered” because she has asked me to buy her diet pills and monitored her kids’ eating in an extreme way that everyone noticed at holidays. If they said they were hungry, they had to do things like run three

There is a way to capitalize on her experiences, too: she’s likely to get a better interview with the victim of an assault because she knows how to phrase her questions and can provide the empathy necessary to gain trust. 

It’s the same reason I waited for my male colleagues to tell me how sexist our boss was: if I say it, I’m overreacting and he didn’t mean it like that. If they see it, it’s so glaringly obvious that something needs to be done. It’s not that I’m not sure what is sexism and what isn’t; it’s that I’ve gone down the road

I would argue the opposite; the bar is so low that “he calls when he says he will and doesn’t actively hit on other women while out with me” is all it takes to clear it. 

“Flowers On the Wall” is a catchy song until you realize it’s just a guy pouting because his ex moved on and he is incapable of it.

Or she was an adult and he was a child abuser, so she wasn’t a target?

Chris Messina is the only white Chris I am interested in. His role in The Mindy Project was great until they tanked his character. But he is HOT and sweet.

No, I get a lot of ads for vibrators, etc., on my work computer that often blocks links to headlines about sex abuse, etc. based on keywords. So there is no way it is linked to my browsing history.

Yeah, I had a friend who was around 10 years younger than me (19 at the time) and still lived with her shitty, verbally/mentally abusive and neglectful parents. I invited her to live with me and taught her basic adulting skills. I definitely took on a parental role, but we always viewed it as a big sister/little

My partner was raised with incredibly toxic gender roles and still believes much of it. I once went to wrap his baby in the nearest blanket and he stopped me because “he doesn’t like pink”. He was 2 months old; I don’t even think he could see what color it was. My head nearly exploded.

Same with gun rights; the people shouting loudest about their right to own an AK are the last people who should have them.

I aspire to be like Stephen King: rich as all hell, yet not recognizable to most people. Best of both worlds.

One of my best friends was pressured into sleeping with a friend of her husband’s. She wasn’t comfortable with it initially, but her husband insisted. It all blew up in his face when she really enjoyed it and remembered how much fun good sex was... they have been in an open marriage for a year-ish now, she’s had tons