"Get back" -- Chonky Cat

She and Kris Jenner are both terrible people with amazing management skills.

I once had to fire a man for sexual harassment. I was carefully reciting the HR-given script, informing him that I had heard from nearly every employee in the store that he made them uncomfortable, with complaints ranging from inappropriate comments to unwanted touching. “What’s that?” he interrupted. “Which part are

My bank was acquired by another bank last summer. They changed the routing and account numbers. The IRS website doesn’t have an option to update banking information after filing taxes, so I ended up with a paper check for $600 arriving weeks after my direct deposit would have. It was annoying af, especially because

I got a Keurig as a gift when they were the hot new thing. It was cool for a while and is great if you just drink one cup. But it’s not that much harder to brew a whole pot, and it tastes better and is less wasteful and less expensive. When my Keurig died, I didn’t replace it.

I remember right after the Charleston massacre when the Confederate flag/monuments became a hot button issue for the first time (in my memory, at least). My grandma was celebrating a milestone birthday and the whole family gathered. My uncles were livid and talking about buying Confederate flags because... freedom? It

That’s what I don’t get: it’s not ghosting if she just met you, politely chatted, and didn’t keep in touch. And the fact that she met her future husband, a LITERAL PRINCE, later that night, is even more reason to let it go.

But objectively, she was/could have been an asset. It’s not about “she’s attractive”, it’s about her charisma and what appears to be genuine empathy. She brought a skillset to the marriage/monarchy that could have been deployed to sell a “modern monarchy”. Meghan joining the Royal family could have been great for PR.

I wasn’t interested in getting married and only did it because it was important to my (ex)husband. I started out with few opinions and ended up a) throwing a fit over the bouquet and b) threatening to kick my sister out of the wedding day-of. Am I proud of this? No. But it all spiraled and the one thing I really did

My brother has always been offended by this characterization. He’s the youngest of 4, and seeing his sisters try to dress their bodies (I had a ‘womanly’ body from like 11-12 on) in an age-appropriate way that the church would approve of confused him. We have talked a lot about how concerned he was that he would just

I grew up in this shit. I had a “crowning” ceremony when I completed my church’s “how to be a wife and mother” course... at 14-ish. The church billed it as Christian Girl Scouts, but there were no camping badges. It was all based on planning and executing a menu for the family, logging childcare hours, and reading the

It’s so damaging to teach women that their consent doesn’t matter. I was raised in this bullshit, have been out of it for nearly as long as I was in it, and still struggle with telling my partner I’m not in the mood. We’re talking literally declining twice in one 4-year relationship. It is ingrained in me that if I am

My partner asked “what’s new?” the other day and my immediate thought was “you have been with me all goddamn week, there is nothing new!”... I need a lot of solo time and he prefers my place to his, so he basically lives here. I like having him around, but damn do I love the nights he spends at his own damn apartment.

Also, income isn’t everything. I have a good friend who makes significantly less than me (I was in her position before my current one and she has told me what she makes). She has a very small amount of debt, lives with her partner in a $650/month apartment, and her main expense up until a year ago was gas for her

Spend it on non-essentials. Donate to your local food pantry/crisis center/abortion fund, etc. A good friend of mine got hers in $50s and has been distributing them among people she knows who could use a leg up. All of those things help those who need the money--even shopping allows businesses to stay open and pay

The main reason I don’t believe they were behind it is that they were several years too late. Why wait until they were divorced? Wouldn’t they have done it before everyone’s reputations were in tatters and their motive was obvious? If not for that logic, I would be inclined to believe they did it.

Yeah, how is him pursuing her less creepy, considering their ages and the power dynamic?

March 4 was the original inauguration date and it was changed to January at some point in the fairly recent past... so it’s the last hurrah for Q-types who maintain that the Orange Menace will be “truly” inaugurated and Biden, et al arrested.

I used to watch a lot of HGTV with my ex. I am positive Joanna and the woodworker are having a torrid affair. They have so much chemistry and he is competent, which strikes me as important in a partner and something Chip lacks.

One of my closest friends is in the bizarre situation of being better off financially right now than ever before. Her job moved to WFH, so no gas money for the commute, she’s not a big online shopper, etc. She is used to living hand to mouth and is giving cash to people she knows who can use it. It definitely caught

Will they really make less, though? Seriously, I hadn’t even heard of some of these books. I can’t imagine any are best-sellers at this point. So it’s retiring unpopular books that would at best sell to racists and at worst be offensive enough for a media cycle to tear them apart. They made the right call.