"Get back" -- Chonky Cat

To me, it’s a combination—it’s most definitely a pedophile justifying his actions, but it’s also a twisted interpretation of a love story in the same way that the show/novel You is. It’s a very sick man with who seems to believe that because he loves someone, all actions he takes to procure/keep her are morally and

That’s the whole problem: despite the author going to great pains to make it clear that the story is being told by a pedophile with ample reason to lie about what happened, people (mainly men) get caught up in the story and forget who they are supposed to sympathize with. I get it; it’s a beautifully written story and

That’s the reason I don’t hold AS MUCH against Obama as a lot of others. For instance, closing Guantanamo Bay was high on my personal priority list and I was upset when it didn’t happen. But I also realize that it’s one thing to run on a platform and another thing entirely to be given classified documents laying out

Same! I kept reminding myself that it was only showing one side of the story, obviously... but her obvious misery and the trauma she clearly endured make it hard to not find her sympathetic. She was a child who found herself in a whole new world, with no one to help her adjust. Any requests for help fell on deaf ears.

Don’t avoid it. His performance is stunning, but the whole story is phenomenal. And Jessica’s road to healing from him is the best portrayal of PTSD I have ever seen. She grapples with all of the things one would after leaving an abuser, but with the heightened responsibility that her powers bring. If you’ve ever left

His dancing on The Mindy Project gives me FEELINGS (and wetness, but that’s beside the point)...

My mom had an ectopic pregnancy before she had me. My parents had been married for several years and desperately wanted a family, but this was her first pregnancy. It ended before anyone but her and Dad knew. A couple of weeks after she had the fetus removed, she ran into an old friend at the grocery store. The friend

The weirdest thing is that racist white women will still enjoy that Black/Brown dick. I’m a white woman dating a Black man. When we met, he had recently split from his pregnant (white) ex. Shortly after the baby’s birth, she expressed surprise that the baby’s skin was darker than hers... Like, what did you expect? I

Wild guess, but Kristi Noem? I’m from SD and my parents and asshole sister still live there. They think Noem is handling things perfectly and everyone is “living in fear” of a bad flu. Both of my parents have several comorbidities that would make contracting it devastating but they insist there’s risk in everything

My partner is a huge Chappelle fan. As a Black man who grew up in the same area as Chappelle— they actually attended the same performing arts high school—he has idolized him since he first came on the scene. I’d seen The Chappelle Show forever ago, but nothing recent. We watched his latest Netflix special and I was

Robert Evans is one of my favorite humans and I fangirl him HARD.

I also live in a Midwestern city, in a fully red state. We lost our Democratic senator over her vote against Kavanaugh, which she did with complete awareness of the consequences. I support defunding the police, the Green New Deal, etc. I also know that my state will never go for any of it. I’m in oil country, so

I love that these resources are available, but it seems to me that the type of man who picks up one of these books is already trying to be thoughtful and aware. The men I am concerned about are the ones who have internalized all of the toxic masculinity and truly believe that they would be “less of a man” if they held

I have no intention of raising kids, full stop. So it’s a nonissue. We’ve only been together a few months, so it’s pretty low stakes :)

I had my first IUD (Mirena) for 5 years and got it replaced 2-3 years ago. I loved it—no periods, no hormonal acne, no side effects. Then I found my current partner, and somehow my IUD was just not compatible with him. When he first stopped sex because “that thing is stabbing me,” I went in to get my strings, etc.

The ideal is both BC of some type, coupled with condoms, especially early in a relationship/hookup/whatever. Again, this is the ideal, not necessarily the norm. I tend to not volunteer that I have long-term BC because men then assume they don’t need to use a condom since I won’t get pregnant. I find it much easier to

I grew up on a farm/ranch and the mention of Bag Balm has me smelling it. That and Vick’s VapoRub are the scents of my childhood... both are strange at first, but now I find them soothing.

I’m dating a guy who asked if I would watch a documentary with him that  “you’ll like; it’s really scientific”. I pulled up YouTube as requested (first red flag) and asked what to search for.... “The moon is artificial.” Needless to say, it was NOT scientific or accurate. He doesn’t believe any government

The Insta-friendly version of these conspiracies is for the affluent, but the people I know who most believe these theories are also in the lower end of the income scale. My dad, a white rancher in SD, has distrusted the government for at least 30 years. He is positive that tax dollars are going to everyone but him,

My take is that they were working closely together while both going through very public divorces and bonded over the shared experience. I can see them starting out commiserating over their situations, becoming friends, and then things progressing to a relationship. So I think it at least began as a legitimate thing