
Huh? Especially white people visiting European countries?

There is a thin line between people who are suicidal and people who are homicidal. Just emotionally and mentally, they are often fairly close. What strikes me as very sad in this case, is they seem to have known that this woman was unstable, that the father told her to shoot herself comment, I read that as perhaps she

Once again, the Slot has the best political coverage in Gawker Media. Excellent article.

I really think they are forgetting that they’re supposed to be making fun of Warren for claiming to be Native American. And now they’re just straight up making fun of Native Americans. Right?

Right? At least admit that the sole purpose of those laws was to restrict abortion. You don’t have to pretend you were trying to protect women. Both sides are very aware that that isn’t true.

If only you were a hot model, like at least a 9, preferably a 10, then maybe Donnie would give you a call.

Disgusting troll. Fuck this woman. Part of me is mad she died because I wanted to see her go through that hell of a trial. Another part of me is glad she died because I’m sure her attorney would have claimed mental illness/temporary insanity to try and get her a lighter sentence.

I read the “kill yourself” comment as having been said when she’d already pulled the gun. Still pretty insensitive but it kind of sounds like he said it in a last attempt to avoid a massacre.

yeah, whenever says that argument of “well we need good guys with guns” i say yeah, fucker they’re called Police, and they are trained to override our basic human need for survival (flee, freeze, or fight).

I can understand that, like other commenters have stated, Jordan has taken in a huge number of refugees already, and may find itself completely at the brink of what it can bear. However, dang, blocking off aid convoys? Telling the Red Cross to go THROUGH Syria? That seems cruel.

Gunter was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary, as well as lesser charges for violations of the restraining order and stalking.

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

I can't really laugh at the stupidity of these. I'm British, so we lost the right to call anything else dumb today. Or ever again. Because we are completely fucked.

I was just going to ask how she reconciles this with a husband who had an A+ rating on gun control. It’s terrifying to me that gun nuts won’t show an ounce of compassion for those who have been affected by gun violence because they are too afraid their guns will be taken away. And that fact that this woman’s husband

That it does. And I love how we won’t hear a peep about this outrageous religious extremism out of the whackos pissing and moaning about Sharia law. This is basically Christian Sharia which fundies are doing their best to bring to the US as well. It’s a fucking nightmare, my heart goes out to these women.

This sounds like it’s raising the same DMCA issue as the incredibly controversial SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).

Agreed. Protests at gun shops and shows. Bloody pictures of bullet ridden bodies. Sidewalk counsellors. The whole shebang. And new language - co-opt “prolife”.

That’s almost Onion material. LOL.