
What plain, overcooked oatmeal is to breakfast, this guy is to music journalism.

AR-15 is an offensive weapon, not a defensive one.

Jebus cheetos that’s a good idea! But, rather than photos of his hands, they should have the art department actually draw out representation of the descriptions. Of course, if they ever did, Thiel would fund a billion dollar lawsuit against Gawker.

silly, it only matters if the WOMAN was drinking.

So sorry that this has happened and that it’s close to home for you x

It’s harder to get a license to be a hair dresser than to get a gun. Hair grows back. Dead people don’t.*

Are you being disingenuous on purpose? In no way does the article spend a couple thousand words on it, “it” being what you highlighted. The article does explore the actual problems with the existing Marvel properties that are officially confirmed.

Just a reminder that this whole thing would very likely have gone unnoticed if the woman in question hadn’t been such a terrific, talented writer and if she hadn’t had the bravery and determination to write such a long, damning piece of prose AND share it with Buzzfeed. This judge would still be judging away,

Every time he sees a gavel he will be buried under the weight of crushed dreams.

If ever the word “ilk” fit a group of people, it’s Trump’s defenders. It’s the perfect word for them.

It’s about fucking time.

Hey guys? You know you are going to have a hard time filling your jury box if you discount every woman person who has ever been sexually assaulted right?

verdicts were overturned after it was discovered that the foreman of the jury had been a victim of statutory rape

No consequences, absolutely no remorse, violent and degrading crime... what about this guy says ‘not likely to reoffend’?

But guys, Brock does not enjoy eating steaks and pretzels anymore! Hasn’t he been punished enough???

There’s always those people who will not bat an eye at violence being shown unedited on TV, but the wrong word or nip slip will have them freak the fuck out. Like on 9/11 (and I have said this before and I am not giving up on it) they showed people leaping to their deaths on a fucking 24 hour loop, but one “fuck” got

I have a hard time not hating the parents that raised me. My mother, who threw up on me when she read my diary at 16 and vomited on me because she read of my attraction and confusion I now identify as bisexuality. My mother who still, spits the work out gay in angry and whispered tone so my siblings don’t hear her. My

New stuff make thinky part of head hurt!

Peter Thiel hates women, so the longer Jezebel lasts, the happier I’ll be.

Ziff-Davis looks like it wants Jezebel and Gizmodo (and why not LifeHacker, Deadspin, etc.) but has no real interest in keeping Gawker itself. I think that would be a smart move. (Also, giving IO9 its independence from Gizmodo again would be great.)