he will definitely get acquitted in the Lloyd case. and i fully support that.
he will definitely get acquitted in the Lloyd case. and i fully support that.
i'm sure they all thought about it but really who gives an actual fuck.
unfortunately she's still Serena Williams.
Drip Drop + Nothin But a Number
shit i miss boston
no, he moved in with Whitney at age 18 when his mother kicked him out of the house.
he was never adopted. his mom kicked him out of the house so he moved in with Whitney as he was already friends with Bobbi Kristina.
i can't even tell, is this a joke? or are there actually people out there who literally cannot find weed? that is pathetic; learn to use your goddamn words.
this bitch.
and ya just proved my point again lmao
you could just like chill out and enjoy the fucking music jesus CHRIST
second fiddle to Ariana Grande? not really.
if you're smoking a spliff, it should be rolled with frontal, not tobacco from a cigarette.
Idk!! But another commenter suggested that the conversation was actually about Lila, not Rebecca, and Annalise asked Frank that because she always suspected he killed Lila. And he denied it. Then, we find out Rebecca is dead..
Annalise asked Frank "was it you?" and he said "no i'm not that guy, was it you?" and she said "oh so you think i'm that guy?" and then they cut to Rebecca's dead body and Frank asked "well what do we do now"
somehow i never realized Connor was just faking his drug addiction as a cover for acting crazy around Oliver. i spent the whole season wondering how he could handle a drug addiction, a murder and Annalise. Whoops!
well OH SHIT you better warn them white folks to put away their locs before-
go. when it is over you will finally feel like you can breathe.
yeah you're right about the fact that there are worse things to protest about smh
lol i know i just hate being teased. i also just read that it's only available in states where marijuana and/or medicinal marijuana is legal, so i guess i can forget it until NYC gets wit it :( :(