Yeah, I’m so used to being disappointed, it’s a weird feeling when it goes the other way.
What? This case IS about the crimes committed. You mean this article? Cause there wouldn’t be article in the first place if apparently “this guy’s wife” hadn’t spent a lot of time working on this case and helped the police. You can’t ignore the fact that the police had nothing for years and years then it comes out the…
Gotta love the monthly reminders that Blake Shelton is a pile of trash.
Trick question— there’s no one to interview, because none of them have faced real consequences.
Damon Young at the Root summed this up pretty well in his piece on Monday.
Eh, she probably just needs to sell perfume or tea or whatever. I doubt she would give a shit otherwise.
How does one go from “Bush doesn’t care about black people” to supporting the most overtly racist president in US history?
you havent made a single, clearly constructed sentence which outlines what it is exactly the you feel Farrow did. We all get the Weinstein part.. what did Farrow do? Just slow down, think about it for a sec if you have to.... now use words to describe the specific “thing” farrow did. Be specific. Use your words.
They both seem soooo boooooring
Billions is not a really great show. It’s slightly above average. I watch it with my boyfriend, and the men on the show all talk with this husky breathy voice that drives me insane. No one talks like that in real life! If “vocal fry” is a term for women, why is there not an equivalent for that weird way men talk in tv…
When representation of a group is absent or near absent, then any representation will be welcomed at first; even if it is stereotypes and #face-acting by another ethnicity. As time goes on and representation increases so the quality of that representation needs to improve too or appreciation will drop. The Simpsons is…
PM me.
I’m glad to just be a non-celebrity boring midwest mom because I fall for that “it’s a bunch of women and we share experiences and support each other” crap all the time. But in my world, it just means I get stuck going to a lot of MLM parties rather than being recruited for a sex cult. Although to be honest, I’d…
Thought Lance Armstrong was a huge piece of shit? Think again. He’s an even bigger piece of shit than you thought.
mmm idk. I think there is probably a lot more to this story than just “a dumb ol’ teenager ran away ahah but he was just chillin’ it’s all good now!” Reading between the lines, it sounds like home life was a bad situation.