
It’s a gendered insult, at its core. It exists for no purpose than to demean women for not being the right kind of woman, and to demean men for being like any kind of woman at all.

What kind of normal human being even whips out the word “whores” to use, unless they have some bizarre sexist way that they view a very real problem in government? It’s not a common word. It shouldn’t leap to mind for anyone, except those who conflate sexuality with corruption on a very core level. It’s not even

Not to mention that people who work in service jobs literally can’t work from home, and we are the people who need paid leave most.

The world is still sexist, homophobic, racist and horrible. Without question. But it’s less so than it was fifty years ago. (Although with racism, at least, there has certainly been a lot of forward two steps back one rather than straight unchecked progression.) That didn’t happen because everyone let straight, white

I was born in 84 and I guess I’m “technically” a millennial, but I also don’t connect with a lot of the things they write. I DO think they get too much flak from previous generations, because EVERY generation thinks younger people are dumbasses. Millennials aren’t actually any worse than any previous generation, it’s

Understood. And I love DeNiro.the actress. But he’s using his immense game to fan already debunked nonsense. This effects not.just.him, but a lot of parents clinging to the idea that things can’t just be as they are, so let’s go after the evil villainous doctors. I can’t get behind that.

I have FEELINGS, about THINGS, and that means SOMETHING!

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.

And for me to get so upset here, on the Today show, with you guys, means there’s something there.

I believe that unicorns come in a variety of colors. I believe that it’s currently raining avocados. I believe that my kitchen floor is cleaning itself, right now.

Presumably those men didn’t know you were 12, they just pegged your age wrong. Badu is talking about male adults working in a school setting knowing that these are children — and their charges.

Absolutely. Yes. And then anti-feminists use choice feminism as a way to undermine feminist discussion of things like stay-at-home mothering, as though any critical examination of that topic is necessarily an attack on anyone who does that thing. Like, I wear makeup, and I CHOOSE to do it, but the relative freedom of

Choice feminism is such horseshit. It’s a step up from telling women they’re bad feminists for making certain choices, I suppose, but it kills any inquiry around looking at how women’s choices are constrained. I find that people tend to vastly overestimate the amount that their actions are motivated by deliberate