
The people who think this advice is crap don’t by default live in a bubble of sunshine and rainbows. They also know what the “real world” is like—they just don’t accept it as good enough. Calling this bad advice isn’t saying it wouldn’t work or help someone get ahead, it’s saying that it’s not what women who want

Yes. It does a great job of showing that they feel so removed from/incapable of conceptualizing the humanity of nonwhite people that an actual alien would be no more incomprehensible to them.

Thank you! That’s a really cool point about parallels with “All Lives Matter”—it totally hadn’t occurred to me, but you’re right.

I feel like choice feminism uses the “hell” those women face to minimize and distract from the far scarier, tangibly more damaging hell women who don’t make those choices face, though. Choice feminism conflates hurt feelings with structural discrimination by acting as if all choices being equal means that all choices

“ kills any inquiry around looking at how women’s choices are constrained.”