
Sobble is the best name for a Starter ever. I wuv the little dude already.

Every location seen in the manga/anime is based off a real place somewhere in Shibukawa, Gunma, where the series takes place.

I have no skin in the game since I don’t have Automata, and not all that interested in it, but...

*bookmark to find out what he’s up to in 15 years*


LG really can’t win with the tech blogs, huh.

I grew up playing NES so I gave/bought my son a Famicom. At 5, he already managed to get at stages 5 to 6 with no warps at SMB2. He can get to boss stages in Megaman 1 & 2, though he cant beat it. That’s a feat, me at 5 I cant even beat Protoman. He can also clear stages at Duck Hunt.

I’m so glad we’ve reached this plateau. To me, a phone has become like an electric toothbrush. How?

This what I keep thinking. As much as I want to tell companies to stop trying to make smartglasses happen, we have to realize that these are just baby steps to an eventual product that people will want to wear. Cell phones didn't start off fitting in your pocket.

if you actually care about audio quality then you'd rather be dead than get anything by Beats.

New Game+ as default.

Does anyone know what happens when/how these planes crash? Does the plane engine just cut off mid-air, and then it just free falls 10 km towards the ground/water? Or can these planes glide for a bit after the engines cut out? If a plane is free falling will it tear into pieces before hitting the ground? Will the

I did take it seriously. My bad. I don't mind the fan fictions, I really don't. I just keep in mind they're fiction and not reality, and I was responding to your blanket statements about the connections. Yet I shouldn't have just launched into all that and I got overzealous. Apologies. It should just be all in good

YAY, now I can steal peoples bank pins easy..... these really shouldn't be available

They need to bury this somewhere so we can fascinate future generations with our fixation on this 'Batman'.

So no movie can ever use burning buildings in posters again? It's not even clear that it's a NY building, there's just plain sky in the background. I'm not even getting into the date coincidence because being mad about that it's just stupid.
C'mon guys, it's been 13 years already.


Beach Buggy Blitz.