
Switch will continue. Genshin Impact hasn't released yet.

No EA? Come on! 

Addition of OLED would be nice. 

You just didn't fooled us by watching and listening Let It Go once again, did you? You little sneaky weasel you! 

The last game I played is where a celestial body is nearing at my planet and it was summoned by my alter ego nemesis to gain “god” status. Same as Fortnite, I don’t care. We just procrastinate and play bird racing, Road Rash-esque arcade, battle arena and dates with my colorful friends in an auric themed tree.

Never played the main PUBG, but aced in my first play in the mobile game. I was finding training modes or alike but nada. All I can see is playing the main battle. There’s nothing wrong with bots, at least, I won’t be playing with experienced players. The game would not be enjoyable.

And what a good way to visualize the crash site is showing that ad from Aztec skeletons’arms interlocked in an Aztec site. Such an appropriate placement.

Is it bluetooth controller friendly?


If you live in South East Asia, like the Philippines, you dont have access to Play music or YouTube Red. Or even all of Google’s hardwares. Anything Google hardware related, either thru import from Amazon or from the grey market.

*typewriter sounds*

If he rode that chocobo, he will not be attacked by those Kadaj minions. Chocobos have zero encounter rates.

Until now, I thought that the tofu place was fiction.

If it weren’t for you, the PSP Type-0 Translate team would’ve never been existed. Thanks!

The last time I was on the brink of throwing a controller I paused and think of this thing I took for granted; someone somewhere out there has an unplayable console which needs a new shiny controller and here I am quit raging coz I can’t beat Yawn in Resident Evil.

Just a little bit more waiting til they get their remaster/remake hands for VII, VIII and IX.

Litten is waterproof?!


I grew up playing NES so I gave/bought my son a Famicom. At 5, he already managed to get at stages 5 to 6 with no warps at SMB2. He can get to boss stages in Megaman 1 & 2, though he cant beat it. That’s a feat, me at 5 I cant even beat Protoman. He can also clear stages at Duck Hunt.

A new addition to the Krillin’s Killer list.